Friday, February 24, 2012

Emphysema is a form of chronic obstructive

Emphysema long-term (chronic) lung disease. In lasix mg iv emphysema,

tiny air sacs (alveoli) at the end of the airways in the lung injury. When air bags are damaged or destroyed, their walls are destroyed and bags

become larger.

10 facts about the immune system
These large air sacs move less oxygen into the bloodstream. This >> << causes difficulty breathing or shortness of breath that gets worse over time. After air sacs are destroyed, they can not be replaced. Emphysema is a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This is usually caused by smoking. A rare type of emphysema due to lack of >> << substance in the lungs called alpha-1-antitrypsin. This type >> << emphysema is usually inherited. .

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